Where Do YOU Search for Jobs? Millennials are Changing The Way We Look
Where and how do you search for jobs? On a mobile device? Job search is changing and millennials are changing the world!
25 fun facts about CVs, job-hunting and recruitment
Mobile has made looking for jobs easier. Did you know that:
1. 41% of people search for jobs while in bed
2. 38% search on their journey to…work!
3. 30% search for new jobs while….at work
4. 18% search for jobs from a toilet – yeh!
5. Social media is becoming a key go-to place for recruiters and candidates. Beware your Facebook profile!
6. 79 % of candidates are likely to use social media in their job search (Source: com)
7. 93% of companies use LinkedIn (with varying degrees of success) for recruiting
8. 80% of recruiters have placed people through LinkedIn.
9. 70% of candidates use a mobile device to find jobs (Source: com)
10. The average time spent by recruiters looking at a CV is only 5 to 7 seconds. (Source: business2community.com)
11. 76% of CVs are discarded for an unprofessional email address? (Source: business2community.com)
12. In 2000, 22% of CVs were submitted via email or posted on the web. In 2016, over 90% of CVs were posted online or sent via email.
13. A single mistake on your CV could stop the process! Over half of all recruiters will dismiss a CV because it contains typos. 43% of hiring managers will disqualify applicants because of their spelling mistakes.
14. 53% of CVs and job applications contain falsifications. (Source: Statistic Brain)
15. 70% of College Students surveyed would lie on a CV to get a job they wanted (Source: Statistic Brain)
16. Background checking is on the up! I wonder why?
17. While the average length of an interview is 40 minutes, 33% of 2000 surveyed bosses indicated they know within the first 90 seconds if they will hire that candidate. Some of the reasons for this included:
- 70% indicated applicants were too fashionable or trendy
- 67% indicated failure to make eye contact.
- 47% of applicants who had little or no knowledge of the company
- 33% for bad posture.
18. Almost half of employers (45 percent) said that the time to fill open positions has grown since 2014. (Source: DHI)
19. Nearly half (47 percent) said unfilled positions are staying open longer due to unmatched salary requirements. (Source: DHI)
20. 38% of those surveyed consider employer branding to be one of the three most essential and long-lasting trends in recruiting for professional roles in 2016. (Source.com)
21. 28% consider finding better ways to source passive candidates as one of the three most essential and long-lasting trends in recruiting for professional roles in 2016.
22. 45%. How much of the workforce Millennials are making up now, making them the highest represented generation (Source: com)
23. When evaluating employers, there are 3 things that matter most to Millennials are
growth opportunities, retirement benefits, work culture. (Source: Glassdoor)
24. 84% of those surveyed by J&C Associates said they still preferred talking to someone when looking for a job rather than just applying online and never hearing again.
25. And finally, over 93.27% of all statistics are made up on the spot – yes, including this one!
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